Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The third generation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The third generation - Essay Example 3G wireless technology is the new version and is the junction of different 2G wireless telecommunications systems into a sole uniform global system which includes up gradation of terrestrial and satellite components in its functioning.3G or the third-generation wireless was used to refer to this age developments in personal & business wireless technology, particularly the mobile communications. 3G or The Third Generation ushers in many benefits with its mobility, broad bandwidth and high speed communication (upwards of 2Mbps).Network operators & telecommunications service providers are busy in implementing this global third generation (3G) wireless standards in order to fulfill the demand of the customers of that mobile company.3G wireless technology represents a shift from voice-centric services to multimedia-oriented like video, voice, data, fax services.Figure shows an integrated design of a 3G cellular and wireless LAN system (Chuah & Zhang). In a wireless network system, we gene rally have a mobile terminal communicating with a base station in a radio access portion. The radio interface usually terminates within the base station in a wireless LAN system and usually terminates in radio network controller in a cellular system. In CDMA/WCDMA technology, the radio network controller combines the radio frames to facilitate the path diversity from different base station to the users. The circuit and packet data from the radio network controller will be segregated and routed to different portions of the core network. Later voices data are transferred to a mobile switching center and as other data get transferred via specialized routers it support the mobility of accessing the internet. The Different Types/Standard of 3G: The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is in charge for standardizing 3G. After trying to establish a single 3G standard, ITU at last permitted a family of five 3G standards, which are part of the 3G structure namely IMT-2000: Three standards based on CDMA, namely CDMA2000, WCDMA, and TDSCDMA. Two standards based on based on TDMA, namely, FDMA/TDMA and TDMA-SC (EDGE). The CDMA standards are the most important 3G standards. 1. WCDMA - Wideband Code Division Multiple Access: It is a technology for wideband digital radio communications of Internet, multimedia, video and other capacity-demanding applications. WCDMA is approved as a standard by the ITU under the name IMT-2000 direct spread. It converts the data into a narrowband digital radio signal first, and then it assigned a marker (spreading code) to distinguish it from the signal of other users. WCDMA uses variable rate techniques in digital processing and it can achieve multi-rate transmissions. 2. CDMA 2000 - Code Division Multiple Access 2000: CDMA was launched in 1995 commercially and it very quickly became one of the world's fastest-growing wireless technologies. While later in 1999, CDMA was selected as a standard for new "third-generation" (3G)

Monday, October 28, 2019

Mla Template for Dummies Essay Example for Free

Mla Template for Dummies Essay Got a paper to write? Here’s a tip: don’t worry about the formatting, just write. Besides, this MLA template for Word has the formatting down for you. Just replace everything in brackets with your information (remember the heading!) and you’re good to go. And, of course, replace this stuff with your content. But read this first! There’s some really important info here. Do yourself a favor and save this template to your computer in a place where you’ll remember it. There are bunch of little nuances in MLA that are really easy to miss – the heading, the spacing, the date format, and those random rules that seem to exist only to annoy you†¦ stop re-writing it each time you go to write a paper, and just whip out this handy template! Wasn’t that easy? By the way, here’s a look at some of the stuff people get wrong a lot. First, the heading at the top right corner of each page. Remove the entire thing if your paper is just one page long; some teachers, though, tell you to just remove the page number. Next come inline citations. You want to â€Å"write them in this format, with the period way at the end, assuming you got this from the 5th page of someone’s essay† (Someone 5). Also, if someone includes some random tangent in their quote, you can cut out the junk using ellipses. â€Å"I’ve got logorrhea, meaning I tend to ramble on incoherently a lot . . . Now back to the main topic.† Notice that there are spaces in between each ellipsis (yes, that’s the singular form), before the ellipses, and after them. Strange, I know. But it gets weirder. What if you want to cite a really long bit of text (4 lines or more)? Take a look. Welcome to long-quote land! Notice that the formatting here is the same as it is everywhere else – except every paragraph is indented twice as much (one inch) as usual paragraphs. What I’d recommend you do is type your long quote normally (like a normal paragraph), then highlight the whole thing and hit â€Å"tab† to indent it all properly. Also, remember that there are no quotation marks surrounding this block of text! None! Nada! Zilch! And as if there weren’t enough twists already, citing a long quote is different than citing a normal quote: the citation goes in parentheses after the final punctuation, like this. (Someone 5) Also, make sure you include a Works Cited page below this page (I’ve even included the page break!) I’d highly recommend using a web service such as, which does all your formatting for you – just input the information you know. What’s more, you can export it to a Word document, complete with all the formatting! You can copy the contents of the exported document, insert a page break (Insert → Page Break; fancy that) after your body, then paste the contents in. Feel free to share this template with your friends at (or, if for some reason that doesn’t work,, but remember that this template is copyrighted, meaning you can’t claim it as your own. Enjoy and good luck! –Neel

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Barney Vs. Sesame Street :: essays research papers

Barney Vs. Sesame Street Sesame Street and Barney The Dinosaur are two popular educational shows for children. Are they really teaching kids with the right techniques? Are they teaching kids anything at all? It's a battle to see which is better: Barney or Sesame Street. Sesame Street and Barney have totally different teaching techniques. Sesame Street captivates the audience with high joltage and fast scenes. The child barely understands what is going on and when they understand that scene, it's over and the next scene is almost done. The child does not learn well under these circumstances. Barney does not have the same JPM as Sesame Street but it still attracts the audiences' attention. The show is slower and more understandable than Sesame Street. Barney focuses on one topic for every show. The one that I watched, entitled "Up We Go", was about flying. You learn about kites, birds, planes and more. You get more out of the show than if it was about many topics like Sesame Street. The one we saw had many topics like eating healthy, dental hygiene, the airport and more. The child can have an overload of ideas for one day and get all mixed up. Both Barney and Sesame Street have songs in them. I found that Barney had many more songs than Sesame Street. The songs are used as jolts and they work well in getting the attention of the child. I found that the Barney songs were much catchier than the Sesame Street songs. They were slower, and other than the dancing, there was not much else happening. On Sesame Street, the background was changing, things were flying and colors were jumping. The attention was not put on the song by the kids, it was put on the actions on the screen. Barney, like Sesame Park, showed minimal biases regarding sex and race. The cast consisted of three boys and three girls. One boy was disabled but was as able as the other kids. The races on the show were mixed. They consisted of a Latino boy, a Chinese girl, an African-American girl and more. On Sesame Street there was less of a mix of races. They just had the primary races of the United States like African-Americans and Latinos. While watching Barney, I noticed that a main focus was imagination and

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Babe Ruth :: essays research papers

“Your simply incorrigible'; replied Babe’s wife. For years, the great baseball player “Babe Ruth'; has been called this, Yet despite these remarks Babe also possessed a humble heart towards children. Then on the other hand Babe possessed the attribute of being brutal and incorrigible. In this essay I will discuss these so distant characteristics that “The Great Bambino'; owned.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many loved “The Great Bambino';. For several reasons why. Unfortunately only the children saw this good side of him. It was when Babe Ruth stopped by the orphanage to equip the children with brand new shoes that really shocked the children. For not only did the children see a great baseball player but also a fastidious man. But Babe was also abandoned in his life. And that’s what led many to believe why he was such an altruistic man. Many loved the man and a lot hated him but none of that mattered as long as the children idolized him it was worth it. It was also when Babe Ruth was coming home from a football game. That a man burst out of the audience and yelled “ my boy, my boy… he’s dying, just sign this it would mean the world to him'; but not only did he sign the ball but he also visited him in the hospital After a eccentric conversation with Johnny Sylvester. Babe promised to hit a home run for the kid but Johnny Sylvester decline d he didn’t only want one home run he wanted two. So Babe laughed and promised, in the next game Babe did do that for him. And more, after the much-anticipated home run Babe ran to the microphone and told him to get better, and he did.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  On the other hand Babe owned the characteristic of being brutal and incorrigible. Many believe that Babes’ lack in common manners were because of his orphanage. “Incorrigible'; and that’s what he was labeled. And he was that, but it was shenanigans such as hanging his coach, Miller Huggings off the end of the train that brought publicity. After a stormy conversation with his wife, Miller burst in his train cabin complaining about cleaning up and paying for all the stuff that he broke and Babe just got tired of it and hung off the end of the train until he said he was sorry. Yet after these shenanigan’s Babe seemed to do the same exact thing time after time.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Differences in ethnic experiences of criminal justice system Essay

Ethnic minorities, afro-Caribbean’s and, to a lesser extent, Asians, are vastly over represented in official statistics for criminal offending, and convictions, but these statistics are not necessarily representative of what is real. An example of these statistics is that black people make up 2. 7% of the British population, and Asians 4. 7%, but black people make up 11% of the prison population, and Asians 6%. Experiences amongst different ethnic groups who interact with the criminal justice system are still very diverse. Whilst self-report studies show that whites are more likely to offend than blacks and Asians even less likely (Indians 30%, Pakistanis 28% and Bangladeshis 13% according to Graham and Bowling) this does not represent the experiences of said ethnic groups. The criminal justice system consists of a number of steps which include policing, stop and search, arrests/cautions, prosecutions, trials, convictions, sentencing and prison and at each stage it appears that blacks, and more recently Asians, are much more likely to face injustice, abuse or negativity within the criminal justice system. Phillips and Bowling note that since the 1970s many allegations of oppressive policing towards ethnic minorities have been put forward with â€Å"mass stop and search operations†¦ excessive surveillance, armed raids, police violence†. With policies such as the Stop and Search and the Terrorism Act (2000), police officers may stop at any time or place, any vehicle or person and search them for any or no reasons, but the patterns of how these policies put to use are disproportionate towards ethnic minorities; black people are 7 times likely to be stopped than whites, and Asians 3 times as likely. Police disproportionately using stop and search techniques against minority ethnic groups may be the result of police racism, which the Macpherson report of 1999 highlights. Institutional racism within the police force and its individual members may make officers more suspicious, weary and paranoid about ethnic minorities. This could also be the result of demography, ethnic minorities are over-represented in the social groupings most likely to be stopped and search, such as young, unemployed, working-class males. However this could simply reflect the differences in offending between ethnic groups. But more evidence for institutional racism towards certain ethnic groups appears when we investigate more, white people are given cautions for crimes much more often than blacks or Asians, arrest rates for blacks are 3. 6 times higher than for whites. This again indicates some kind of unfair or racist treatment; however it could be the result of blacks or Asians being more likely to deny an offence and look for legal advice out of mistrust for the police, leading to an eventual arrest, as we have already noted that these minorities are more likely to be unfairly policed by officers. The mistrust of the system may also result in ethnic minorities who go on trial opting for a jury. Although in contrast, 60% of white defendants found guilty as compared with only 52% of blacks and 44% of Asians, and the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) more likely to drop cases against ethnic minorities. This suggests that police are bringing weak cases against ethnic minorities to court, thus being abandoned. Although this suggests a more fair treatment in regards to prosecution and conviction, it indicates police racism in forcing ethnic minorities into court for frivolous crimes. Ethnic groups such as blacks and Asians possibly have a much harder and more negatively perceived experience of the criminal justice system because they are subject to a lot of discrimination, for instance in self-report studies when asked for the perpetrators ethnicity, many people would often guess † black † even if they aren’t sure, reinforcing the negative ethnic stereotype. Since the 9/11 attacks suspicions about Muslims have risen greatly, even though they cannot be justified on the large scale discrimination and prejudice they experience, this prejudice can often lead to over policing in ethnic minority areas, thus adding to the disparity in the criminal statistics, it may not be that these ethnic groups are committing more crime, it could just be that there are more police acting in a vigilant way around and towards these groups, so they are punished more harshly. It could be argued that if the same amount of vigilance and over-policing was applied to white communities equally, the statistics may equalize. Whilst it is clear that Blacks and Asians are overrepresented in criminal statistics, the extent of this remains to be seen, it is possible that the reality is that those ethnic groups, on average, do commit more crimes than others, it is also possible this is false.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Monday, October 21, 2019

3 Reasons to Ditch Your Novels Prologue

3 Reasons to Ditch Your Novels Prologue 3 Reasons to Ditch Your Novels Prologue 3 Reasons to Ditch Your Novels Prologue By Maeve Maddox The prologue is a legitimate story-telling device, but many readers admit that when they see the word Prologue, they skip at once to the page that begins with the words Chapter One. Sometimes a prologue is the ideal way to present information essential to the readers understanding of the story. Mystery writers, for example, often begin with a prologue written from the killers point of view, or perhaps that of the killers first victim. On the other hand, such a scene can be written as Chapter One as Martha Grimes does it in The Dirty Duck. Writers of historical fiction may wish to provide background information to orient the reader in an unfamiliar period. Writers of fantasy or sci-fi may write a prologue to equip the reader with unfamiliar assumptions held by the inhabitants of the strange world theyre about to enter. Too often, however, what some writers call a prologue is undigested back story, mere scene-setting, or what should be Chapter One. Ditch your prologue if 1. it seems boring even to you and you can hardly wait to get to Chapter One. 2. its a lengthy narrative of back story that could more effectively be doled out in small bits as the story progresses. 3. all it does is create atmosphere without having much to do with the story. Reconsider that Prologue (Update: link no longer active) Prologues and Epilogues Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Fiction Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:7 Types of Narrative ConflictThe Writing Process3 Types of Essays Are Models for Professional Writing Forms

Sunday, October 20, 2019

The Last Shot, character analysis

The Last Shot, character analysis Free Online Research Papers ?In every four character story, each of those characters usually has a very unique personality, but are still compatible for them to be a group of close friends.   Tchaka is the one most likely to be successful; Corey is smart, talented, however corrupt; Stephon is naive; Russell is known to be the most unpredictable. Each of their roles are significant to each others well being.       ? Tchaka Shipp is the most physically gifted of the bunch; hes very strong and fast, hes more physically dominant on the court than Russell, Corey, and Stephon even though he is shorter than most power forwards in the NCAA. He is a walking success story waiting to happen; blessed with a body full of great power and strength, a stable home life in a neighborhood in Queens, and a natural intelligence, it seems like it is his destiny to make it out, and get that 700 on his SATs early in his senior year. He learned the game of basketball pretty late. Originally, cycling was his main sport but a cycling career path for him seemed to have a dead end. His determination to learn the game of basketball showed how successful he wanted to be and he didn’t try to let anything or anyone stop him. He practiced on courts by viciously attacking the basket with wreckless abandon, usually by dunking (and screaming afterwards). Off the court, he constantly watches tapes of college games for numero us hours in order to learn new moves. Tchaka also tries to help his game mentally, since hes the one most fazed by pressure during games (i.e. playing horribly in his first few ABCD games for due to nerves and shooting air-balls a free throw during a summer league game.)      ? Another way that he shows his dedication to success he is constantly attempting to balance a more poised image of himself with the reality of who he is as a male brought up in a rough neighborhood. This is shown during an interview after a Tchacka team loses he breaks his poised and civilized character and utters out Damn, did you see that last dunk? That nigga was buggin! Cocked that shit to his nuts! (Embarrassed pause) Um, dont quote me on that, okay?† Having great potential and 700 on the SAT, Tchaka is also the one who experienced the full force of NCAA recruiting the most. He is always visited by coaches from top schools with promises of playing time, future stardom, an education, and a personal attention. One coached promised that if Tchaka comes to his school, he will receive an ample amount of playing time and hell be apart of a family, a brotherhood. The coach pushed the family angle so far to point that he stated that he wished to still be in contact with Tchaka even after twenty years after playing for him. Tchaka felt that that was the best route for him and learned that it wasnt, the hard way. He attended the school and was merely forgotten; being benched for the whole season with a small amount of minutes made him realize that all of that the coach was pitching was simply a ploy to lure Tchaka into his school. Still determined for personal success, Tchaka transferred to another school where he received more playing time but not enough. During that year he transferred, he was a victim of a car accident, leaving him physically unable to play the way he usually did. The way that Tchaka carried himself and channeled a positive aura about him showed how likely he was to be successful. Unfortunately a knuckle-headed coach and an unfortunate car accident became a permanent obstacle for him to achieve that level of success that he desired. Corey Johnson is the most popular of the four. He’s known for his way with women consummate sense of style and impeccable swagger. He is always wearing the latest fashion and there is never a time where Corey isn’t talking to a girl or capitalizing on opportunity to gain her undivided attention. Although he lived in glory of his notoriety, his academic achievement seemed to leave the traditional high school popularity-academics ratio unbalanced; leaning more towards popularity. Corey has been often described as the smartest of the group. Research Papers on The Last Shot, character analysisTrailblazing by Eric AndersonThe Hockey GameWhere Wild and West MeetPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyThe Spring and Autumn19 Century Society: A Deeply Divided EraHip-Hop is ArtAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaBook Review on The Autobiography of Malcolm XPETSTEL analysis of India

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reasons For Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reasons For Global Warming - Essay Example Moreover, this group of thinkers believes that the warming trend is not unusual and is a normal cycle of weather changes which occur naturally. Their claim about the Earth’s climate is clear. They believe that the Earth's climate is not affected by humans' actions, prevention and suspension of any act. It is free of our activities and temperature swings occur naturally. A study in this regard reveals that the Earth has a planetary ‘iris', which consists of tropical cloud cover. This cloud cover spreads out and contracts to control the quantity of heat exhibited from the surface of the Earth. On the contrary, however, it is said by the supporters of global warming that medieval warm period was not researched properly and the research contains flaws. They also argue that there is no validity of the claims that the recent extreme conditions, including heat waves, intense precipitation, massive forest fires and worldwide coral bleaching, in the Earth's environment are the re sult of changing the climate. These are invalid, unrealistic and self-created myths which are not validly proven so far. In addition, they argue that the CO2 emitted by the activities of humans is not comparable to the natural resources that are available to eliminate the threat of the 'non-existing' global warming. The natural resources that the Earth acquires are greater than the Carbon Dioxide emitted hence, none of the human activities can be held liable for the massive increase in CO2 over the course of last few centuries. The cause of the warming temperature has been disclosed by this group as a natural phenomenon. The debate over the solar variability, cosmic rays, recovery from the ice age and so on (Leroux 2006). This group also denies the claim that the warming is caused by greenhouse gases. The fact that they present in this regard is that warming does not follow the trend of greenhouse gases concentration. This group also asserts that the increased warming detected aroun d the world for the past century is the effect of increased urbanization. This

Friday, October 18, 2019

TOPIC OF CHOICE, preferably pedophiles and paraphilias Essay

TOPIC OF CHOICE, preferably pedophiles and paraphilias - Essay Example All other physical contacts, in order to quench the thirst of carnal desires i.e. other than heterosexual relations, are considered as taboo, perversion and sexual deviation in large number of societies, cultures, states and countries. A person would be considered to be acting in a deviant way in society if they are violating what the significant social norm in that particular culture is. (Retrieved from The nature-nurture debate is one of the most enduring one with reference to the discipline of psychology, and in respect of discovering the development of personality. Social theorists stand pole apart in their observations in respect of the effect of the environment on the one hand and innate characteristics on the other in making up of a personality. Psychologists have defined various kinds and forms of sexual disorders, which cause perversion and deviation from the normal sex behavior of individuals. There are so many reasons of these disorders. Some of the theorists declare environment as the major reason behind such disorders, while few of them are of the opinion that biological and physical reasons are also involved in sexual perversion and deviant behavior. Man enters the world as a neat and clean biological organism, which learns how to behave from society by entering into continuous and constant interaction with the other members of his social arrangement. It is therefore, theorists view man’s behavior as the learnt one, which is highly supportive in his personality development and recognition of his role, position and responsibilities while interacting with his social surroundings. Hence, it is the socio-cultural background that maintains lion’s share in the growth of man’s personality and social behavior. Theorists are of the view that prevailing social norms, mores, values and activities prevailing in a community determine man’s superior and inferior habits and

Supply chain management (reply to an answer) Case Study

Supply chain management (reply to an answer) - Case Study Example A few reasons such as maximizing economies of scale entails considerable business investment risks because it is not very fluid in terms of market response (Hugos 147). This system is also not suitable for industries that can change quickly on trends, like the apparel industry (Daspal 1). The converse of the push-concept is the pull-system modeled on Toyota which relies on actual customer demand and works backwards along the supply chain. However, this kind of system requires a near-perfect method of efficient logistics that has short production cycles; long lead times can be shortened by maximum efficiency along the supply chain. This is what computer giant Dell did, in contrast to the estimated losses suffered by Compaq when laptops were not available. This system is not speculative, in the sense it anticipates future customer demand, but is reactive which is more accurate in terms of meeting actual customer demand. I agree that supply chain efficiency is about minimizing inventory levels to reduce the risk of product obsolescence. However, there are additional benefits in using the Just-in-Time (JIT) concept pioneered by Toyota that can be implemented, such as lower working capital, a mass customization and postponement of demand (Coyle 661) that lowers costs to b enefit clients. Coyle, John J., Langley, John C., Gibson, Brian J., Novack, Robert A. and Edward J. Bardi. Supply Chain Management: A Logistics Perspective. Mason, OH, USA: South-Western Cengage Learning, 2008.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Business law assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business law - Assignment Example ties can consider various alternatives without arriving at the final agreement while litigation is contentious and costly and getting back to courts will require a change of circumstances of the case. Mediation is cheaper since the parties hire a neutral mediation expert as opposed to litigation which entails two opposing attorneys and numerous court proceedings. An indictable offence is an offence that can only be tried on an indictment after preliminary hearing to determine whether the accused has a prima facie case to answer. They are the most serious offences under the criminal code and carry serious punishments such as life in correctional centres. Some facts of indictable offences include the lack of limitation on when charges can be laid with exception of treason where the limitation for trial is three years. The trials are held in Provincial courts. The police can arrest a person without a warrant of arrest. The convicted persons can only apply for pardon after ten years since conviction. Examples of such offences in Canada include murder, treason, and aggravated sexual assault (Baudouin and Linden 45). Section s16 (2) of the Act outlines the official languages and provides equality of the two languages since New Brunswick is dominated by English speaking and French speaking citizens. In this case, the government institutions and legislative organs must use the two languages. Section 28 of the Act safeguards gender equality by outlining that both males and females are guaranteed equal rights and freedoms. The section is important since it prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender. c) The plaintiff claimed both general and special damages. General damages are not assessed directly and include non-monetary losses suffered from the injuries. In this case, general damages include depression, loss of future income due to injuries, pain, disfigurement and loss of lifestyle. The special damages are directly linked to the injuries and quantifiable in

Small business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Small business - Essay Example Although the business is doing well, it is important to mention that the business currently faces quite a number of challenges that. These include rising competition by rival companies, seasonal lows leading to losses at certain times of the year, and the challenge of many tourists in that most do not speak the Arabic language. Nonetheless, the company has managed to come up with such strategies as training her staff on various foreign languages, maximizing on the peak season in order to make up for the off-peak, and providing better products and series to clients. In terms of maintaining customer satisfaction, Green Era Travel has always ensured that the needs of the customers are given first priority. Besides, the company undertakes robust online marketing campaign in order to reach a broader spectrum of tourists who may be willing to visit United Arab Emirates. In this regard, the most valuable advice that can be learnt from the business is consistency and customer valuing at all times. Indeed, this strategy has seen Green Era Travel maintain a constant grip of an appreciable share of the UAE travel and tours market for the past one

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Business law assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business law - Assignment Example ties can consider various alternatives without arriving at the final agreement while litigation is contentious and costly and getting back to courts will require a change of circumstances of the case. Mediation is cheaper since the parties hire a neutral mediation expert as opposed to litigation which entails two opposing attorneys and numerous court proceedings. An indictable offence is an offence that can only be tried on an indictment after preliminary hearing to determine whether the accused has a prima facie case to answer. They are the most serious offences under the criminal code and carry serious punishments such as life in correctional centres. Some facts of indictable offences include the lack of limitation on when charges can be laid with exception of treason where the limitation for trial is three years. The trials are held in Provincial courts. The police can arrest a person without a warrant of arrest. The convicted persons can only apply for pardon after ten years since conviction. Examples of such offences in Canada include murder, treason, and aggravated sexual assault (Baudouin and Linden 45). Section s16 (2) of the Act outlines the official languages and provides equality of the two languages since New Brunswick is dominated by English speaking and French speaking citizens. In this case, the government institutions and legislative organs must use the two languages. Section 28 of the Act safeguards gender equality by outlining that both males and females are guaranteed equal rights and freedoms. The section is important since it prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender. c) The plaintiff claimed both general and special damages. General damages are not assessed directly and include non-monetary losses suffered from the injuries. In this case, general damages include depression, loss of future income due to injuries, pain, disfigurement and loss of lifestyle. The special damages are directly linked to the injuries and quantifiable in

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Academic Monitoring Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Academic Monitoring - Essay Example There are certain essentials which must be present for the questioning to be effective. Firstly, the questions must be appropriate to the instructional and developmental level of the students. Secondly, the teacher needs to keep a keen eye on those students that are voluntarily participating in discussion and those who are not. The non volunteers need to be encouraged to participate. Thirdly, the teacher may ask students to give feedback to each other based on the submitted responses to certain questions, that is, they can be encouraged to comment or add to the responses of their classmates. The second strategy, monitoring seatwork is a systematic measure for interacting with students while they work. Instead of waiting for the student to ask for help the teacher can instantly intercept wrong concepts and understanding. In order to immediately correct misconceptions the teacher checks and discusses the work of each student individually. Monitoring seatwork aids in the elimination of disruptive behavior and improves on-task behavior of students. The third effective strategy involves ensuring that homework assignments are in sync with the content covered in the classroom. These assignments should be given frequently to extend the practice time that students have with the material. They should be suited to the developmental and ability level of the students. They should be clearly understood and should be quickly checked and returned to students with comments given to reinforce positive behavior. A fourth strategy includes having daily, weekly, monthly and term reviews as well as classroom testing. These tests must be administered regularly and frequently. They must be aligned to the instruction. They should be collected, graded, documented and immediately returned to students so that errors can be corrected before they become deep-seated. The first juncture in establishing an effective monitoring system

Time Management Essay Example for Free

Time Management Essay Introduction It is rightly said Time and Tide wait for none. An individual should understand the value of time for him to succeed in all aspects of life. People who waste time are the ones who fail to create an identity of their own. My Rational on my first action plan was: I have poor attitudes towards managing time, such as managing time to study. Developing effective study habits is important as they will help me to use my study time more productively and will also help to handle stress. Therefore, learning some effective memory techniques, developing a good support network and working with other class members will enhance our study habits (Anthony, 2012). So it is important for me to make an action plan about time management. Benefits of time management could be; Time Management makes an individual punctual and disciplined. One learns to work when it is actually required as a result of effective time management. To make the judicious use of time, individuals should prepare a TASK PLAN or a TO DO List at the start of the day to jot down activities which need to be done in a particular day as per their importance and urgency against the specific time slots assigned to each activity. A Task Plan gives individuals a sense of direction at the workplace. An individual knows how his day looks like and eventually works accordingly leading to an increased output (Management Study Guide [MSG]). If we do not have a proper time management skills, it will be more difficult to achieve the goals in your future. This report includes a deep research about time management skills. This includes a brief description of what is time management, how it helps in an organisation and some benefits improving your time management skills. And lastly the action plan with the actual outcomes. What is time management Time management is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling, and  budgeting ones time for the purpose of generating more effective work and productivity. There are an abundance of books, classes, workshops, day-planners, and seminars on time management, which teach individuals and corporations how to be more organized and more productive. Time management has become crucial in recent years thanks to the 24/7, busy world in which we live (Wisegeek, 2013). Time management is important for everyone. While time management books and seminars often place their focus on business leaders and corporations, time management is also crucial for students, teachers, factory workers, professionals, and home makers. Time management is perhaps most essential for the person who owns his or her own business or who runs a business out of the home. Managing work and home responsibilities under the same roof takes a special type of time management (Wisegeek, 2013). An important aspect of time management is planning ahead. Sometimes, successful time management involves putting in more time at the outset in order to reorganize ones life. Though many time management books and teachings differ in their suggestions, most agree that the first step in efficient time management is to organize the workspace or home. Even if ones schedule is well-ordered, but the office and filing system are a disaster, time will be wasted trying to work efficiently in a disorderly place (Wisegeek, 2013). Lastly, good time management involves keeping a schedule of the tasks and activities that have been deemed important. Keeping a calendar or daily planner is helpful to stay on task, but self-discipline is also required. The most efficient to-do list in the world will not help someone who does not look at or follow his own daily planner (Wisegeek, 2013). Time management helping in organisations. Time Management refers to managing time effectively so that the right time is allocated to the right activity. Effective time management allows individuals to assign specific time slots to activities as per their importance. Time Management refers to making the best use of time as time is  always limited. Time Management plays a very important role not only in organizations but also in our personal lives. (Management Study Guide) Time Management includes: 1.Effective Planning 2.Setting goals and objectives 3.Setting deadlines 4.Delegation of responsibilities 5.Prioritizing activities as per their importance 6.Spending the right time on the right activity Effective planning: Plan your day well in advance. Prepare a To Do List or a TASK PLAN. Jot down the important activities that need to be done in a single day against the time that should be allocated to each activity. High Priority work should come on top followed by those which do not need much of your importance at the moment. Complete pending tasks one by one. Do not begin fresh work unless you have finished your previous task. Tick the ones you have already completed. Ensure you finish the tasks within the stipulated time frame (Management Study Guide). Setting goals and objectives: Working without goals and targets in an organization would be similar to a situation where the captain of the ship loses his way in the sea. Yes, you would be lost. Set targets for yourself and make sure they are realistic ones and achievable (Management Study Guide). Setting deadlines Set deadlines for yourself and strive hard to complete tasks ahead of the deadlines. Do not wait for your superiors to ask you every time. Learn to take ownership of work. One person who can best set the deadlines is you yourself. Ask yourself how much time needs to be devoted to a particular task and for how many days. Use a planner to mark the important dates against the set deadlines (Management Study Guide). Delegation of responsibilities: Learn to say NO at workplace. Dont do everything on your own. There are other people as well. One should not accept something which he knows is difficult for him. The roles and responsibilities must be delegated as per interest and specialization of employees for them to finish tasks within deadlines. A person who does not have knowledge about something needs more time than someone who knows the work well (Management Study Guide). Prioritizing Tasks Prioritize the tasks as per their importance and urgency. Know the difference between important and urgent work. Identify which tasks should be done within a day, which all should be done within a month and so on. Tasks which are most important should be done earlier (Management Study Guide). Spending the right time on right activity: Develop the habit of doing the right thing at the right time. Work done at the wrong time is not of much use. Dont waste a complete day on something which can be done in an hour or so. Also keep some time separate for your personal calls or checking updates on Facebook or Twitter. After all human being is not a machine (Management Study Guide). Organized Avoid keeping stacks of file and heaps of paper at your workstation. Throw what all you dont need. Put important documents in folders. Keep the files in their respective drawers with labels on top of each file. It saves time which goes on unnecessary searching (Management Study Guide). Dont misuse time Do not kill time by loitering or gossiping around. Concentrate on your work and finish assignments on time. Remember your organization is not paying you for playing games on computer or peeping into others cubicles. First complete your work and then do whatever you feel like doing. Dont wait till the last moment (Management Study Guide). Be Focussed One needs to be focused for effective time management. Develop  the habit of using planners, organizers, table top calendars for better time management. Set reminders on phones or your personal computers (Management Study Guide). Benefits of time management. Its normal to hear time management discussed in business circles; yet, it is a topic that can be of great benefit to everybody. Time is a challenge for all of us, whether were business people, workers, students or stay at home moms or dads. There seems to be less time in todays world, and thats why its a lot more important to learn how to properly manage our time. In this article, we are going to be discussing a few key reasons why time management is so important (Marie, 2012). A big benefit of time management is just how that it boosts your productivity. It is something that almost everybody hopes to be able to do. Seldom do you hear of individuals who feel that theyve got adequate time to do the things they need and wish to do. In lots of instances, the problem is not not enough time but rather the fact that you do not have an efficient way of managing your time. Time management shows you how to set priorities, and to focus on how much time youre wasting every day. The idea is not really to put yourself under more pressure to try and do more, but to utilize your time more wisely so you appear to have more of it (Marie, 2012). One positive advantage of time management is decreased levels of stress. Not having enough time is one of the main reasons we experience stress. Think about how tense you feel if you are worrying about being late for a scheduled visit or if youre stuck in traffic. These issues relate to time, and if you have this type of situation often you could probably benefit from some training in time management. Learning how to control schedule so that overwhelmed us and become an issue indicates that you are supervising your time efficiently. We often believe that the solution to our problems is doing things faster, but it could be even better and more relaxing if we learn how to manage our time better (Marie, 2012). Time management doesnt just include boosting your productivity and  efficiency; you also want to feel more pleasure and a better quality of life. Time is an important component of life and so we feel better about our lives when we have the ability to control our time. Conversely, feeling that were running out of time can create an overall feeling that we arent good in some part of life. Those who are genuinely successful are aware that time management is a crucial skill they have to get good at. It could be the one determining factor that lets you live in the moment and appreciate your life instead of feeling that time is a merciless boss (Marie, 2012). Time management is very significant in our present times, even more so than in previous decades. Existing technology allows us to do things faster than before and yet we feel forced to continually increase the pace. As an example, we continue to have difficulty keeping track of the large number of available information even with computers and other gadgets that are extremely powerful. Time management is the component that can give us a sense of control over time so we can quit rushing and loosen up (Marie, 2012).

Monday, October 14, 2019

Nike Operation Management Strategies

Nike Operation Management Strategies Nike – The legendary brand Operations Management – Strategies 1. Introduction Many companies measure their research and development performance, associated with their business strategy and their operations management, such as design, operation, and control of the transformation procedure. The operations system converts inputs (labor and raw materials) into the outputs (goods and services). Operations management has encompasses both services and manufacturing, enhanced efficiently managing predictability, and played a strategic role in an organization’s success. As an international corporation, Nike has implemented the concept of operations management in its operating process. It has facilitated the concept of the LeanSigma ®, which helps ‘focus on lead-time reduction to increase customer loyalty and market share’[1]. As a manufacturing company, Nike has gained competitive advantages from Kaizen breakthrough, with the layout redesign for lean, just-in-time (JIT) system, total productive maintenance and six-sigma management. The paper will concentrate on why and how Nike has been competitively positioned in the world market. The legendary brand, Nike, seems never to stop growing. 2. Situation Analysis 2.1. Strategy Companies might vary their strategic business procedures, since they select most suitable alternatives and solutions to solve problems overtime. As a result, there will be certain measurement criteria for the company performance, which reflect the most successful alternatives to their most essential problems. Nike specializes in producing sport shoes, a labor-intensive manufacturing sector. As a manufacturing organization, it is easy to observe, evaluate, and improve each functional stage of Nike’s operation process. Improving productivity for the overall outputs of goods, divided by the inputs, is needed to maximize the outputs. The increasing strict quality control management combined with the demand by consumers for affordable goods has suddenly put Nike in a precarious situation. The question of how high quality products can be produced under many measurements at a price which consumers are willing to pay is addressed. This can be accomplished by applications of transformation procedure, which converts from batch to lean manufacturing at the strategic level. Additionally, the sales turnovers have forced many companies to narrow down and concentrate on why and what consumers have actually purchased. As a transactional company, Nike concerns and cares for what its targeted consumers look for, and it finds products for consumers not consumers for products. Operations management is defined as the integration of management principles into the decision-making procedures for the conversion of resources into usable outputs of products. The success of the lean operations management strategy will result in products that exceeds customer expectations and regulatory requirements by increasing productivity for a better process. 2.2. Product Nike has implemented sophisticated systems and well-understood business procedures by keeping cross-functional cooperation, which consequently lead to the best inventory turnover from performance. Indeed, Nike has continuously improved its operations management. ‘By mid-1985, inventories had fallen to less than 10 million pairs of shoes from a peak of 22 million in late 1983. Profit margins rose in the second fiscal quarter to 33% from 25% a year earlier. During the period, expenses as a percentage of revenue fell for the company, which started selling shoes in 1964 and went public in December 1980.’[2] Nike can dictate the prices. Since consumers have set prices by understanding what they should have prepared to pay for, their payments then will depend on a large degree on how they could see differences between the perceived value and the actual value. In fact, consumers are willing to pay premiums for perceived values, but value can go beyond plain price and quality. Positioned as a transactional corporation, a successful image Nike becomes the ultimate high-volume, low cost factory, not about the assumption that there is likely the occasional anti-made-in-sweatshop products. In the past, Nike had been challenged by boycotting of goods, due to the threats that Nike has outsourced and exploited developing nations. However, currently Nike have taken advantage of their low cost of manufacturing environment and implemented operations management strategies to its manufacturing systems. 2.3. Capacity When new operations strategy has been implemented and exhibited by different physical processes, volume measurement can be a relevant allocator. Volume can show how far equipments and machinery requirements for the operating procedures have been utilized and properly facilitated. This allocation usually provides rational consequences when the processes change. The location of the production facility is impacted on treatment facilities, which often happen in areas where air pollution might not be a problem. However, the environment limitation also determines the quantity at which a facility can produce, and become independent of capacity or demand. These problems impact on production, which will happen long after manufacturing facilities are established and put into operation. Nevertheless, Nike aims to apply the operations management to achieve high quality, low cost and effective delivery for better output, not just to expand its production facility. The overall result, through the Kaizen breakthrough methodologies, has been successfully. (Appendix 1) There might be a relationship between the operations performance and associated risk factors. Due to high rate of development failure during implementing new operations strategy, the risks involved in developing a system have caused a lot attention. 2.4. Process Supply chain management Recently, Nike has opened wider its domestic market to the outside world. More investment to renovate current market will enhance, facilitate, and maximize the distribution channels. ‘Nike was embarking on the Nike Supply Chain Project, a massive global centralisation project to integrate its ERP [Enterprise Resource Planning], supply chain, and CRM [Customer Relationship Management] software onto a single SAP platform. And a higher level of governance over the IT operations to ensure project success and visibility was necessary.’[3] The differences between the flexibility and fixed service have been scheduled in comparison with maximizing the large scale of alternatives. As a result, the relationship between the demand to reduce the indirect costs and the velocity along with inventory management should be closely scrutinized. ‘John Shanley, analyst at Susquehanna Financial Group, told clients Nikes inventory levels are ‘likely somewhat bloated in several key international regions’ and that the fourth quarter ‘marked the second consecutive quarter where Nikes inventory levels seemed out of balance with the brands forward orders’.’[4] Each company has its own mission, vision, objectives, strategies and business framework. Top management can initiate logical points and identify the company’s current conditions and situations. Alternatives in any one of the primary components in the model for top management can set off changes in other components. As a result, strategic framework, implementation and evaluation should be performed on frequent and continuous foundations, especially in technology management, human resource supervision, professional development, adaptation to cultural change, and importantly the project planning process. High performing companies can have more informed decisions with good anticipation of both short term and long term plans and have prepared for both short and long term consequences. They have prepared for future fluctuations in the external and internal environments. ‘Training, in general, and management coaching, in particular, must be well resourced, high priority components of successful enterprise systems implementation.’ [5] Since Nike is probably to pursue creative products, it has implemented new technologies can be a sign of future success in the new market. Therefore, commitment available resources to different projects can help evaluate and measure the operations management performance as well. ‘Critical to success is the necessity for the team to realize that team performance is more important than any individual success or idea generated. If the team has a successful improvement idea, then all enjoy the success.’ [6] Additionally, measurable goals should be in the line with the objectives and the scopes of the strategies. In fact, the operations management team should be evaluated whether the goals flow harmoniously with their companies’ missions. The performance evaluation helps operations managers to fasten the companies’ missions, plans and strategic goals to the each employee’s tasks on daily basis. Moreover, preliminary evaluation will need more feedback every period, such as monthly, three months, or six-months. Assessment should be targeted to provide a path for companies to improve their operations management performance. Likewise, Nike starts with basic assessments by accomplishing assessment and proper evaluating areas. In fact, soft and periodic assessment can help Nike identify areas in order to achieve greatest return on investment and highest turnover. 2.5. Layout redesign Layout redesign is important to transforming process. Usually, raw materials have been brought into workplace during the time not conflict with workers’ operating hours. Counterclockwise flow is also taken into consideration, since most workers are right-handed. ‘Two lean concepts introduced with LeanSigma ® transformation are the functions of the supermarket and the waterspider. Similarly, these early lean manufacturers established a single day storage area very near the production cell to provide, the necessary materials to the cell as needed. The second concept these early lean adopters incorporated was the waterspider.’[7] In fact, waterspider concept is to provide the essential materials at frequent replenishment of small quantities, opposite to infrequent replenishment of large quantities of materials. As a result, space required for storage is minimized. This concept has enhanced the just-in-time approach at Nike. Parts and raw materials are provided to the production site just as they are needed, not stockpiled to hedge against later delivery. 2.6. Allocation of costs and deductions Traditionally, cost allocation analysis considers direct labor as cost driver for indirect costs; nevertheless, since suppliers respond increasingly to reduce their total costs, the use of direct labor as a cost driver has become inappropriate when evaluating the performance the cost allocation analysis. Determining appropriate cost drivers for indirect costs help establish new allocation rates for these cost drivers. Additional information can be used to support the new allocation rates, different from traditional methods. With the new operations management, Nike heavily considers the cost factor. ‘As with quality, cost is a significant aspect of lean performance measurement. These three key indicators are productivity, scrap, and WIR Productivity [Warehouse, Inventory, Reporting Subsystem] is the most effective indicator of value added activities. Scrap is a quality measure that will drive overall costs up or down depending on the trend. Finally, WIP [Work-In-Process] is a lagging measure of flow and cycle time and a leading measure of customer satisfaction.’[8] (Appendix 2) At this time, high proportions of Nike exports are white-label goods, which have been made for Western companies. The company also wants to capture more value to acquire a brand and to create its global brands. Quality has been considered as a differentiator. Product quality and service quality will be becomes differentiators and continuously enhance Nike’s quality image worldwide. ‘Why didnt Nike start making skate shoes 20 years ago? Nke6.0 may be nurturing the grass roots its roster of athletes is made up entirely of what appears to be pre-pubescent rippers but there is a whole generation of action sports addicts out there who were ignored by mainstream sport brands, so they started their own brands, creating kit that was tailor-made for their sport, keeping their ear to the underground to find out what people wanted.’[9] The choice of cost allocation method can impact whether the company can report a loss or profit from the unrelated business. The over-cost allocation can become the potential for maximizing the company’s economies of scale. The costs related to the operating activities can be joined among many material and operation activities. Analyzing the functional and design benefit can help allocate the cost component appropriately. The new paradigm for cost allocation provides Nike which benefits from investment transmission to pay the costs. The decentralization of the cost allocation should take into consideration. The production cost in manufacturing companies and the allocation of joint costs in the context of external financial accounting practice, applied to cost of goods sold and for inventory. 3. Conclusion As a transnational corporation, Nike is subject to domestic and international competition. It has tried to increase their productivity and efficiency to meet these challenges. One method applied to improve productivity has been expanded application of manufacturing processes. Concurrently, however, the increased use of materials and decrease use of operating expenses help managers reconsider their current methods of quality, cost and delivery. In the long-term, the manufacturing industry will sustain and reward for low-cost operating organizations. Nike is making efforts to build an effective and efficient control system for commodity circulation. Applying the operations management process, Nike has tried to build effective control system for their commodity circulation, which helps emphasize on reform of the marketing and purchasing system of the important commodities. Furthermore, the rational distribution of commodity resources and the local community reserves have enriched the domestic market from international market. Appendix 1: Quality Cost and Delivery after Operations Management[10] Appendix 2: Kaizen methodology even schedule[11] Bibliography ‘Brand Design: Miss a trick’ 2006, Design Week,London, 26 January, p.17 Brown, BC, Collins, RT McCombs, LE 2006, ‘Transformation from Batch to Lean Manufacturing: The Performance Issues,’Engineering Management Journal, Rolla, vol.18,no.2, June, p.3. Choy, J 2004, ‘Just do IT’, Asia Computer Weekly.Singapore, 25 October, p.1 Foster, L 2006, ‘Rising costs mean Nike disappoints’, Financial Times,London (UK), 29June, p.17 Kittredge, J 2006, ‘A New Era in Corporate Performance Management’, Cost Management, Boston, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 23. Tharp, M 1986, ‘Nike Recoups Laurels in the Sportswear Market Company Adopts a More Conventional Management Style,’ Wall Street Journal, New York, N.Y, 19 March, p.1. Page 1 Footnotes [1] Brown, BC, Collins, RT McCombs, LE 2006, ‘Transformation from Batch to Lean Manufacturing: The Performance Issues,’Engineering Management Journal, Rolla, vol.18,no.2, June, p.3. [2] Tharp, M 1986, ‘Nike Recoups Laurels in the Sportswear Market Company Adopts a More Conventional Management Style,’ Wall Street Journal, New York, N.Y, 19 March, p.1. [3] Choy, J 2004, ‘Just do IT’, Asia Computer Weekly.Singapore, 25 October, p.1 [4] Foster, L 2006, ‘Rising costs mean Nike disappoints’, Financial Times,London (UK), 29June, p.17 [5] Kittredge, J 2006, ‘A New Era in Corporate Performance Management’, Cost Management, Boston, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 23. [6] Brown, Collins McCombs 2006, p.3. [7] Brown, Collins McCombs 2006, p.3. [8] Brown, Collins McCombs 2006, p.3. [9] ‘Brand Design: Miss a trick’ 2006, Design Week,London, 26 January, p.17 [10] Brown, Collins McCombs 2006, p.3. [11] Brown, Collins McCombs 2006, p.3.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pointless Violence in the Movie (Film), Natural Born Killers Essay

Pointless Violence in the Movie (Film), Natural Born Killers Daily, the public is bombarded with violence, not only on television, but also in other media, such as newspapers and tabloids. Natural Born Killers, a prime example of violence in the media, is a movie about two lovers, Mickey and Mallory Knox, who go on a killing spree across the Southwest. The movie takes a satirical look at how the media romanticizes violent crimes. Natural Born Killers has sparked a lot of controversy, as seen in the opposing views of Richard Corliss and Richard A. Blake. According to Time magazine's Richard Corliss, Natural Born Killers is "the ideal recipe for a Stone-crazy parable of greed and abuse." Corliss describes with great enthusiasm the main characters of the film -- Woody Harrelson and Juliette Lewis -- as "love-thugs. . . two doomed maniacs busy mythologizing themselves"; Tom Sizemore as a "brutish detective" hoping to capture them; Robert Downey, Jr., a tabloid reporter who wants to "exploit their exploits by turning them into media darlings"; and Tommy Lee Jones as a "crazed wa...

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Phil Alden Robinsons Field of Dreams :: Film Movies Field Dreams Essays

Phil Alden Robinson's Field of Dreams Was Ray Kinsella a triumphant hero who dared to live his dreams, or merely an insane lunatic who blindly followed voices that could only be heard within the confines of his mind? Although either of these theories could be argued successfully, the idea that this intrepid man was indeed a hero is supported by a list of characteristics that generally indicate a classical hero. In the movie, Field of Dreams, Ray Kinsella was introduced to the viewers as an ordinary man, living an ordinary life, in an ordinary town. Conversely, he was given the extraordinary supernatural ability to revive a number of celebrities from both the world of baseball and literature who had been dead for many years. Kinsella related to common people, but possessed powers that are not only uncommon, but ultimately inhuman. Although not a fool, Ray Kinsella was also not invincible. For example, he was forced to deal with defeat and hopelessness throughout his travels. Once, he misunderstood a message given to him and journeyed to a place that he was not called to go to. But, being the bright and resourceful person he was, he was not discouraged and continued to persevere. Ray Kinsella was called upon by forces left unknown to the viewers and himself to go on both a physical journey as well as a journey of the heart. After hearing voices proclaiming, "If you build it, they will come," Ray risked the economic and emotional stability of the family he loved dearly to build a baseball field. At first, Ray Kinsella was highly skeptical, but eventually he realized the significance of his obscure calling. Upon the completion of the baseball field, "Shoeless Joe Jackson", the baseball player who had been his father’s hero before he passed away, suddenly appeared in the field to talk with Ray and to play baseball. As the plot progressed, Ray continued to receive messages. After each new message, Ray was called upon to further his journey. This journey involved traveling to various cities around the United States, as well as facing issues within himself that he has successfully hidden from for years. The reason for his journey, and the path to follow were never clearly manifested to Ray Kinsella.

Friday, October 11, 2019

History of Basketball Essay

Basketball has become a nationwide played sport ; there are multiple leagues in basketball now and today. Basketball originated in Springfield Massachusetts by a Canadian physician at Ymca professional which is now and todays Springfield College! This sport has been noted as the most played sport in the world. James Naismith created a worldwide sport that is now in schools and recreation centers. It was the YMCA that had a major role in spreading basketball throughout the United States and Canada, and throughout the world. In 1893, Mel Ride out arranged the first European match in Paris, in Montmartre! James Naismith published 13 rules for the new game. He divided his class of 18 into 2 teams of 9 players each (which today would be the equivalent of 3 guards, 3 centers, and 3 forwards) and set about to teach them the basics of his new game of Basketball . The object of the game was to throw the soccer ball, into the fruit baskets nailed to the lower railing of the gym balcony. Every time a point was scored, the game was halted so the janitor could bring out a ladder and retrieve the ball. Later, the bottoms of the fruit baskets were removed. The first public basketball games were held in Springfield, MA, on December 21, 1891! They got the name basket ball from the fact that they had a ball and a basket. In the beginning they were going to name it â€Å"Naismith game†. The way the game was set up back then was they had to shoot the ball into the basket, the basket had no hole in it unlike the ones we use today. They would have to retrieve the ball manually; during the time of them fetching the ball out the basket each team had a break. Today we have ‘Timeouts† this is where the team devises a game plan to win the game! In 1906 was when they developed metal hoops with nets and backboards which made the game more easier. Instead of them using a soccer ball they upgraded to a spalding ball, these are the balls that are still used to this day! Basketball was spreading throughout the United States ,Canada , and the world ! The YMCA had a lot to do with why basketball became a well known trend. The First World War broke out in 1914, and the U. S. Army started fighting in Europe in 1917. During World War 1, American Expeditionary Force brought basketball wherever they went. Together with the troops, there were hundreds of physical education teachers, who knew basketball quite well, and even James Naismith spent two years with YMCA in France, in that period. Not only did they bring basketball with them, but even the â€Å"modern† basketball, that is the game as it was played in the United States at that time. People in France were very intrigued by the sport that James Nasmith brought to the YMCA out there. There were others even traveling to places such as China, India, Japan, and Persia spreading the new game around the globe. The men that traveled to these countries are : , Bob Gailey , Duncan Patton, Genzabaro Ishikawa , C. Haree ! They had every element they needed to take the new sport basketball to the top! James Naismith made sure that he had proper funding for the sport, the right supporters, and of course the right minds working on creating the individual leagues. The first professional league started in 1898 it was 6 teams in this league the first champions of this league were the Trenton Nationals. Shortly after the Trenton Nationals won the championships other teams followed in their footsteps. They abandoned this league in 1904, their were little championship games that people would play for money. The Celtics were proclaimed the original â€Å"Fathers of basketball† and were also posed as the world basketball champions! In order to even play with this team and Jim Furey you had to sign a contract. The success of this team lasted from 1922-1928 reason why was , because the team was disbanded due to ownership issues. The Original Celtics are sometimes incorrectly thought of as forebears of the current Boston Celtics of the NBA; in reality, they share only a name, as today’s Celtics were not founded until 1946, nearly two decades after the demise of the Original Celtics. In 1922, the first all-African American professional team was founded: the Rens (also known as New York Renaissance or Harlem Renaissance). The Original Celtics opponents were The Rens to get into a game only cost a $1 for a Ticket. The team took part in the World professional basketball tournament and took the 1st place trophy in 1939. The team had also disbanded like the Celtics exactly 10 years after they won the tournament ! In the 1920s and 1930s, Eastern Basketball League founded in 1909 , Metropolitan Basketball League founded in 1921 and American Basketball league founded in 1925 were the most important leagues. The most hard playing games were played at colleges. The first organized game was played between Geneva College and The New Brighton YMCA on April 8th ,1893 in Beaver Falls , Pennsylvania Geneva college had a flawless victory that day they won 3-0. Geneva College named themselves â€Å"The Birthplace of College basketball†! In February 1895,Minnesota State School of Agriculture, and Hamline University played the first intercollegiate match (won 9–3 by Minnesota). In that period, the Amateur Athletic Union took over the organization of collegiate activity. In 1905, Yale University was disqualified, and some other universities created the Intercollegiate Athletic Association , which became Nation Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) in 1910. The NCAA created the first united states championship in 1939 which brought in the playoffs at the end of each conference! On June 6th 1946 a league was started in New York city the league was known as the Basketball association of America. The league received a new name in 1949 the National Basketball Association (NBA). They changed the name ,because they merged with their rival league the National Basketball League (NBL). The NBA has become Americas most favorite association they have the most significant players ,salaries, popularity , talent, and last but not least level of competition. The Smart Set Athletic Club of Brooklyn and the St. Christopher Club of New York City was established as the first fully organized independent all-black basketball teams in 1906 these teams were amateur! In 1907, the amateur, all-black Olympian Athletic League was formed in New York City consisting of the Smart Set Athletic Club, St.  Christopher Club, Marathon Athletic Club, Alpha Physical Culture Club, and the Jersey City Colored YMCA. The first inter-city basketball game between two black teams was played in 1907 when the Smart Set Athletic Club of Brooklyn traveled to Washington, DC to play the Crescent Athletic Club. In 1908 Smart Set Athletic Club of Brooklyn, a member of the Olympian Athletic League, was named the first Colored Basketball World’s Champion. In 1910, Howard Universities first varsity basketball team began. In 1922, the Commonwealth Five, the first all-black Professional team was founded. The New York Renaissance was founded in 1923. In 1939, the all-black New York Renaissance beat the all-white Oshkosh All-Stars in the World Pro Basketball Tournament. The all-white National Basketball League began to Racially integrate in 1942 with 10 black players joining two teams, the Toledo Jim White Chevrolets and the Chicago Studebakers. The NBA integrated in the 1950–51 season, with three black players each achieving a separate milestone in that process. In the draft held immediately prior to that season, Chuck Cooper became the first black player drafted by an NBA team. Shortly after the draft, Nat Clifton became the first black player to sign an NBA contract. Finally, Earl Lloyd became the first black player to appear in an NBA game, as his team started its season before either Cooper’s or Clifton’s. The American Basketball Association (ABA) was founded as an alternative to the NBA in 1967 at a time when the NBA was experiencing a lot of popularity. The ABA offered an alternative ethos and game style as well as some changes in the rules. Julius Erving was the leading player in the league, and helped launch a modern style of play that emphasizes leaping and play above the rim. The league emphasized excitement and liveliness, be it in the color of the ball (red, white and blue), the manner of play, wild promotions, or the three point jump shot. National recognition and earnings were low, leading the league to look for a way out of its problems. Merger with the more established and very successful NBA was seen as a solution. The ABA was folded into the NBA in the summer of 1976, its four most successful franchises the New York Nets, Denver Nuggets, Indiana Pacers, and San Antonio Spurs being incorporated into the older league. The aggressive, loose style of play and the three-point shot were taken up by the NBA. The game basket ball started branching out and becoming the most played sport in the country. Once college teams started forming there ball teams , schools all over the country in high schools, middle schools, and even elementary schools had teams or was hosting tournaments! Once basketball came to Europe it was branched out very quickly. The very first international game was played in 1909 at Saint Petersburg. The Mayak Saint Petersburg team managed to beat a YMCA American team. United States, led by future Hall of Fame player Max Friedmen won against Italy and France, and then Italy beat France. Basketball soon became popular among French and Italians. International basketball was growing ,and games were just popping up everywhere. They even developed an international league on June 18, 1932 this was the final piece to a big puzzle. Having teams all over the world compete in a world Basketball tournament there’s even people who trade to international teams from the USA and vice versa. Even the Olympics pick best players from American teams to come out and play against teams from every country for the Gold Medal! The first Olympic basketball title was one by Team USA. Canada was runner-up; the games were played on an outdoor clay court. The first World Championship was held in Argentina in 1950! There was even a female basketball league that was orchestrated . A lady name Senda Berenson read about Dr. Naismith’s new game, and with modified rules, introduces the game to the students at Smith College. The first women’s game was held between the University of California, Berkeley and Miss Head’s School. Clara Gregory Baer was the one to write the first book full of rules for women’s basketball. Senda Berenson publishes the first issue of Basketball Guide for Women, which she would edit and update for eighteen years. These rules, with minor modifications, would remain in use until the 1960s. In 1899 women started developing the same taste for the sport as the men did. Woman’s basketball wasn’t as major as men’s basketball the first international game they played was in Victoria, Australia. The baskets that they were using were paper bags! That same year Stanford abolishes intercollegiate competition of women which cause them to form their own independent club. In 1904 Stanford rescinds the prohibition against intercollegiate competition of women. The Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA) is a women’s professional basketball league in the United States . It currently is composed of twelve team the league was founded on April 24, 1996, as the women’s counterpart to the National Basketball Association (NBA). League play started in 1997; the regular season is currently played from June to September with the Finals in October. Basketball has been the sport that at least every person in this world has at least tried. Its one of the most commonly known sport. The history behind basket ball shows how far this sport has come. Basketball went from peach baskets, to metal hoops, and backboards with spalding balls. Basketball has come from being a little sport played for money or for fun to having different types of leagues. James Naismith helped bring the world together with just a ball and a hoop with 18 players.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Dental Hygiene Research Essay

I.Introduction- Dental hygienists can be found in a variety of workplace settings, but Usually they work in private dental offices. II.1st body paragraph Overview – What exactly does a Dental Hygienist do and why is it important? A.1st Paragraph Supporting Details – They remove hard and soft deposits on teeth Take and develop x-rays, make impressions for casts†¦ B.1st Paragraph Supporting Details – Teach patients proper technique and strategies for good overall oral health. C.The American Heart Association researchers shared findings that professional dental care can reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke. D.1st Paragraph Supporting Details – Other similar jobs are Dentist and Dental assistant. III.2nd body paragraph Overview – Specific requirements and education needed to become a dental hygienist. A.2nd Paragraph Supporting Details– Each state has its own educational requirements. B.2nd Paragraph Supporting Details–A minimum of an associate’s degree in dental hygiene is needed to enter the occupation. C.Majority of college programs take at least 2 years to complete. D.A bachelors or master’s degree is required for teaching, research, or practice in public or school health programs. E.Areas of study are anatomy, physiology, radiography, and periodontology. IV.3rd body paragraph Overview – Advantages and disadvantages of the dental hygiene profession. A.3rd Paragraph Supporting Details- Personal satisfaction from helping all types of people. B.3rd Paragraph Supporting Details– Because of education and training, they are valuable members of the oral healthcare team. C.3rd Paragraph Supporting Details– Flexible scheduling. Full-time and part-time options are usually available. More than half of dental hygienists work part time allowing them to sometimes work for more than one employer. D.3rd Paragraph Supporting Details– Great demand for dental hygienists so employment opportunities are going to be available well into the future. V.Conclusion – While cleaning teeth is one of the skills a dental hygienist has been trained to do, it’s only one of the many

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 18

Marketing - Essay Example On the cultural side, the era of library and paper books is quickly fading away. People today live busier lives and believe that they have too much to catch up on. Therefore, the â€Å"gadget culture† is prevailing where people conduct almost all their operations and duties with their cell phones, laptops, tablet devices and others. From booking an airline ticket to sending a birthday card, from shopping for grocery to ordering a pizza, from reading the newspaper to watching movies, everything is now happening online. This online or e-book mindset will further support such companies. The economic environment, which can be characterized by economic recession and its continued impacts, is dampening the sales of books. The statistics for the first half of the year 2011 reveal that book sales and volume have been decreasing even the export of books from UK is also on decline. In the midst of this recession, the digital book sales are growing at an exponential rate. To be exact, the growth for the first half of the 2011 for digital book sales was over 37 percent compared to first half of 2010. The total size of the digital market now stands at 180 million pounds which now represents over 7 percent of the total book sales (digital and physical combined) in the UK. Another important development for Waterstones in the political-legal front is the fact that the government seems enthusiastic and determined to stop any online piracy.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Prison system in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Prison system in America - Essay Example Arguments against imprisonment include the idea that prison is not being used as a last resort to deter criminal behavior, housing prisoners is expensive, imprisonment doesn’t deter crime and it is cruel and inhumane. Despite statistics that confirm these contentions, imprisonment has experienced a growing attraction as a political response to crime. An increased prison population and its inherent human and financial costs have little effect on the attitudes of some. Despite the obvious and extensive failures of our penitentiary system, more people are being sent to prison for more reasons primarily as a result of tougher sentencing laws specifically involving the ‘war on drugs.’ Over the past quarter century, the U.S. has added to its prison population and therefore to its social problems. Anyone who has seen a prison movie likely has witnessed the stereotypical ‘shower scene’ where gang members viciously attack a lone inmate. They put a knife tightl y against the victim’s throat and threaten to kill him if he puts up a fight. The lone inmate is then repeatedly raped by the gang and afterwards is too frightened to notify prison officials fearing retribution. This Hollywood recreation is not unlike the actual events taking place inside prison walls. Being brutally raped in prison is not simply a physical violation; it is an emotionally scarring event. According to the Human Rights Watch, this and other forms of gang-related violence occur regularly in prisons across the country. â€Å"Gang assaults are not uncommon, and victims may be left beaten, bloody and, in the most extreme cases, dead† (â€Å"No Escape†). However, violent and blatant rapes are but one type of sexual abuse many prisoners must endure. The most prevalent form of rape does not occur by means of violence nor have many of the victims been overtly threatened. Nevertheless, they engage in sex acts unwillingly because they do not believe they ha ve a choice. Prison is an intimidating place. Prisoners, especially those new to the system can be easily coerced into doing things such as allowing themselves to be raped or committing violent acts against others out of fear. This type of prison rape is easier to conceal than violent attacks and much easier for prison staff and the general public to ignore. â€Å"For some prisoners, the atmosphere of fear and intimidation is so overwhelming that they acquiesce in their sexual exploitation without putting up any obvious resistance† (â€Å"No Escape,† 2006). The intimidation begins early and forcefully. According to the account of a first-time offender arriving in prison, â€Å"as soon as I walked on the wing, the catcalls started.† According to another prisoner, â€Å"Most of prison is a mind game. People get taken advantage of when they’re green and don’t know what to expect† (â€Å"No Escape,† 2006). Prison is described by its detra ctors as inhumane, a brutalizing and damaging experience. The prevalent imprisonment trend invokes a high human cost to those who caused no harm to another individual or property. The war on drugs is policy based on morals, not on public health, and is taking a grave toll on the economics and civil liberties of our society. Crime is on the rise overcrowding the prison system while inner cities are becoming unlivable decreasing chances for the economic revival in those areas, all as a consequence of a misguided war on drugs to prevent the misuse of drugs. These governmental drug programs have had very little if any reduction in the use of drugs but a great many innocent victims have had their lives ruined. â€Å"

Monday, October 7, 2019

Current Macroeconomic Situation in the U.S Research Paper

Current Macroeconomic Situation in the U.S - Research Paper Example This paper is one of the best examples of the thorough analysis of the macroeconomic situation and the most pressing economic issues in the US. The 2007/08 economic downturn culminated in major socioeconomic problems all over the world. The United States was affected in a similar way like other countries globally. The economic recession of 2007/08 culminated in a number of macroeconomic problems. The United States was grappling with issues of increased inflation and unemployment. The two stood at approximately 4% and 10% respectively. The increased administration cost has been blamed for the challenge. The ministry of defense has for instance been said to spend billions of dollars annually putting more pressure on the economy.. The country is still grappling with issues of increased mortgage loans which have denied citizens an opportunity to own houses. However, the gross domestic product (GDP) has remained fairly stable despite changes in the economy. Two main monetary policies will be used to address the issues of unemployment and inflation. The expansionary and contractionary monetary policies are used in the mitigation of unemployment and inflation respectively. Apart from monetary policies, fiscal policies may be used as well. This mostly refers to the government’s revenue collection and spending which latter affect the economy. For instance, increased inflation would force the government to apply the contractionary fiscal policies. Under this, the spending of the government would be under check

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Banishing tobacco, how to quit smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Banishing tobacco, how to quit smoking - Essay Example List every reason. If you have attempted to quit multiple times renew your list of reasons and make a list of what went wrong with your previous attempts. The reasons you failed are called triggers and if you know what these are, you can avoid them. Did you start again because you were at a place where people were smoking such as a bar? Did a stressful situation arise? Obviously, this calls for a bit of self-reflection but if you really want to quit for good you need to do this. Forewarned is forearmed. Set a date and a time to quit. Be specific. Tell yourself, â€Å"At seven pm on March 18, 2006, I am going to quit smoking and not pick up another cigarette.† This is also a form of preparation. Even if you quit â€Å"cold turkey† setting a time will allow you time to psychologically prepare to deal with the cravings and withdrawal symptoms. Drink plenty of water. Doctors have been telling us for years to drink at least eight glasses of water a day and it is good advice. Water cleanses the body of impurities including the tars and nicotine accumulated in your years of smoking. Get support from your friends and family. This is especially important if they are smokers. Ask them not to smoke in your house or car. This may be difficult if you’re married to a smoker but if they are supportive it will go a long way toward your quest to banish tobacco from your life. If your spouse is a smoker as well, he or she may want to quit as well and you can mutually support each other. Get advise from your doctor or primary care giver.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Titus Andronicus by Shakespeare - Essay Example But, its popularity picked momentum later in the 20th century. Despite being considered most violent and traditionally perceived as quite controversial, Titus Andronicus still digs with acute intelligence into the theme of honor and constructs a riveting framework to cast a spell on the readers. Honor plays a very prominent role in shaping events of the story and also plays a steering role in making different characters act in a revengeful manner. Restoration of honor is perceived as the most valuable objective by every character. This essay seeks to explore at length how the theme of honor is handled by Shakespeare in this tragedy and in how many different ways it influences the structure of the story. In the play, the revered Roman general Titus returns home after a ten year long war having lost most of his sons. He has bodies of two dead sons with him and some important barbarous Goths who are now made prisoners. The harrowing general is exceptionally dishonored by the damage done to his family in the form of death of his sons during the war (Delahoyde) and he in turn after reaching home brutally sacrifices the eldest son of Tamora, empress of the Goths, to pacify the souls of his dead sons. This was certainly a heinous way of restoring honor but plays a momentous role in shaping the future events. Later, when the new ruler of Rome makes Tamora his empress instead of Lavinia, Titus again feels dishonored (McGoodwin) and also Tamora vows to destroy Titus’s life to reestablish her lost honor. It is the influence and driving motivation of honor basically which makes Tamora convince her two spared sons to ferociously rape Lavinia and also disfigure her. Blinded with revenge, the dishonored Goth family agrees on this vicious plan and Lavinia is badly harmed with her tongue and both hands cut off so the culprits could not be named. This extremely cruel act strikes a staggering blow on Titus’s pride because he adores his daughter and the state she is left in by his enemies leaves him anguished beyond possibility. All his life Titus has expected respect from others being a man in high position and the brutality to which his daughter is exposed makes him realize with plain clarity that his prized prerogative of being honored is tarnished. This acknowledgement of infringements on his self-esteem serves as a propeller to seek vengeance, but unfortunately he has no idea who is behind the crime of rape, so an anguished Tamora very cunningly further goes on her secretive plans to demolish Titus’s inflated sense of self-respect by sending him severed heads of his sons. It is easy to realize how myriad inhumane acts are committed in Titus Andronicus in the name of honor. This suggests that Titus has a really warped perception of honor (Annareese). The entire plot revolves around this theme from the beginning till the end and compels the characters who are broken from inside and have no respect for humanity to engage in vicious pla ns. Every single character has an enigmatically twisted approach to restoring honor. The portrayal of violence in this tragedy is unparalleled and it is deliberately kept so to make the theme of honor emphatic. This is why scary acts of violence keep haunting the readers in every act to convey the message how drastically the idea of honor can penetrate the minds of people compelling them to break all barriers to get back this prodigious wealth if snatched by anyone. History is full of events like

Friday, October 4, 2019

Legalize Prostitution Essay Example for Free

Legalize Prostitution Essay Legalize Prostitution BY rwl 9680101 Stand-Alone Project, Part A: Select a contemporary legal issue discussed during this course. Select a topic that interests you. Perform the research. Prostitution: Ethics to Legitimize the Business Many people find the ethical considerations of the death penalty to be highly controversial. However, another highly controversial topic is the legalization of prostitution. Considering my knowledge on this subject and talking to average women who arent prostitutes, IVe come to the conclusion that prostitution should be legalized. The courts and the police have more to contend with than two adult eople having consensual sex. Prostitution has a long and interesting history. Its mentioned in numerous texts and often referred to as the oldest profession. Indeed, it has always been a common way for women to make money, even in biblical times. It wasnt until Christianity and the Bible condemned prostitution within versus such as Proverbs 23:27-28, For a prostitute is a deep pit and a wayward wife is a narrow well. Like a bandit she lies in wait, and multiplies the unfaithful among men. Basically, prostitutes were shunned for their corruption of married men as a moral conflict. Historically, it was common to trade women for property, pleasure and used as alliances between countries and kingdoms. A person can be against prostitution all he or she wants to, but the fact remains that prostitution happened in the past and will continue to happen in the future. Its a common act of the sexes where biological needs can ou t way monetary cost and societal norm ethical barriers. The business minded culture would call this supply and demand and the blue collar worker would call it an honest days work for an honest days pay. Either way, its not that legitimate kingdoms or governments have not recognized prostitution hroughout history, but it appears that they merely renamed and Justified it into something legitimate. History also reminds us that in many ancient cultures, female prostitution was an accepted profession for many women, especially those who could not earn a living any other way husbands killed in war or died from laboring. It wasnt until the church especially the Christian church decided that sex was bad and that prostitution became a sordid form of employment. Even then, on and off, prostitution and brothels enjoyed varying levels of acceptance in the public eye. Some cities and towns had entire red light districts where brothels were, if not welcomed, at least tolerated, so long as the owners and management made their donations to the local law enforcement. Thus, while strictly illegal, the proliferation of prostitution enabled police corruption to flourish as well. The roots of prostitution may be more evolutionary than previously thought stemming from hereditary instincts of our long forgotten ancestry. A study was conducted in University in Singapore which was accepted for publication in the Journal Animal Behavior (Dec, 2007). In his study of the macaque monkeys he discovered that the mount of grooming a male performs on a female prior to a sexual interaction is related to the supply/demand ratio of females per male and males to females at the time of the grooming. Heres where that supply and demand or an honest days work for an honest days pay philosophy comes into play. Basically, male monkeys especially lower status ones have to groom more and longer to get some female action when there are fewer females around. Gumert, analyzed a wild population of long-tailed macaques at TanJung Puting National Park in Indonesia, from 2003 to Dr. Gumert analyzed the long-tailed macaques from 2003 to 2005 located at 005. the TanJung Putting National Park in Indonesia.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Becoming an Assertive Nurse | Reflection

Becoming an Assertive Nurse | Reflection Lorna Bennett The Assertive Nursing Student In this reflection paper, I will relate my experience of an incident that helped me to be more assertive, compassionate, and confident in my skills. I will be using the Gibbs model of reflection to write this paper. Gibbs model (1988) refers to the key processes within reflection itself, rather than as reflection as a process within general learning. The cyclical model, or more accurately a functional framework for reflective study, assumes repetitive experiential contexts and is split into six key areas. These areas are event description, feeling, and thoughts; evaluation, analysis; conclusion and action plan (Gibbs, 1988) Event Description In my second clinical placement, I was working in a general medicine unit of Grey Nuns Hospital. I was assigned to care for Karl (pseudonym). Karl was a delightful 82-year-old male, admitted with AECOPD (Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease). Karl’s eldest daughter, Lisa (pseudonym) had dedicate her life to perform the duties of the primary caregiver and is an active participant with medical care and planning his daily needs. Both Karl and Lisa had no hesitation in welcoming me as a student to participate in Karl’s care. During my head to toe assessment, Lisa was constantly commenting on what she thinks was the â€Å"best way† to perform nursing tasks for Karl. That left me feeling bullied and distraught, as Lisa was always questioning my head to toe assessment and nursing care. She did not allow me to perform my assessment and nursing care because she was always intervening by directing negative comments about my skill and offered clues on how it should be performed instead. I tried to explain to her my role and the importance of the head to toe assessment, but she kept telling me an expert such as a Doctor or Registered Nurse and not a Student Nurse in his second year should do the assessment. This feeling of inadequacy arose partly because of Lisa’s strong assertion of being the patient’s daughter and sole primary care giver. Feeling and Thoughts Nurses are responsible for providing safe, competent, and ethical nursing care to patients, when conflict arises between families and nurses; building trust through relational practice approach becomes difficult in developing the nurse-patient relationship. I found it difficult to provide care as my beliefs and values were tested, I felt as if I did not belong in that situation and that nursing was not the profession for me. Mitchell (2001) suggests that nurses need to examine their own moral development and the theories that guide their practice. She further explains that when nurses choose theories that enhance their ethical practice, â€Å"the confidence that comes from that choosing will help nurses have the courage to act according to the realities that each person and family brings to the situation† (p. 113). I told my buddy nurse about Lisa’s assertive and demanding behavior. My buddy nurse also talked to Lisa about my concerns and told her that I should be treated with respect just as everyone in the health team and that I was of great help to Karl. I also spoke to my instructor on what had transpired during my first meeting with the patient, and how Lisa made me feel as though I lack self-confidence in my skill level. She suggested that we speak to Lisa about it together. My instructor talked to Lisa quietly in Karl’s room, and asked her why she was so uncomfortable with me doing the assessment and providing care for her dad. Lisa looked quite upset, she said she feels that a second year nursing student should not conduct such an assessment, as we are not experienced to identify certain health issues. My instructor discussed the importance of the head to toe assessment with her, and told her I was competent to perform the assessment, as I was educated in school to do so. I also strived to incorporate a holistic approach to the patient, in which the health care team, family, and the patient can benefit from the best nursing care possible. However, for once in my nursing career, I felt as though my practice was not safe, competent and welcomed. Evaluations. The incident was extremely challenging for me. I thought that I should have acted on my critical thinking skills earlier. However, I am pleased that Lisa had partially agreed with me to perform the skills. This incident has taught me the importance of acting assertively and not to be bullied into one’s beliefs and values and to focus more on the patient’s concerns. On reflection, I realized that I was practicing from the stance of my nursing skills, while at the same time concentrating on not making mistakes; I strayed from my relational connection with Karl and Lisa. Though I tried my best to create a rapport with Lisa, I find it challenging to pursue as she was focused on her beliefs and values rather than the care myself and the health team are providing. She commented negatively on every aspect of nursing care performed by myself. I realize that her negativity stems from her lack of knowledge of medical terms, AECOPD, and the rationale on why care is being provided. Valentine (1995) states, â€Å"This disappointment and vulnerability can be particularly severe when bullying is involved, and the victims of bullying need high levels of assertiveness to allow them to resist the associated stress. Hence, in general nurses use conciliation and escape as methods of coping with bullying and conflicts (p. 145). Analysis During that week of practicum, I felt that I became more confident in my assessment. However, when I was confronted during my first head to assessment with Lisa, I was unable to provide a clear rationale on why I was performing my assessment the way it was, despite being competent in my skills. This affected my confidence because I was focused on doing my assessment correctly and lacked assertiveness when it mattered. Lisa was consistently critical of my head to toe assessment. I had sought out both my buddy nurse and instructor to confirm that my skill level was acceptable. I realized that lack of confidence was not skill related, but my inability to communicate the evidence-based reason to perform my assesment skill under constant pressure from Lisa. That placed me into a position where I looked like I was incompetent to perform my head to toes and other nursing care. Conclusion During, this ordeal, I was able to reflect on my practice, identify my weakness in confidence, and be proactive to seek out assistance from my buddy nurse and instructor in allowing me to develop my skill level as a student. I was also able to be more assertive when confronting Lisa. Assertiveness is a means, which can be used to work against bullying, improve stressful situations, and enhance empowerment (Fulton, 1997). Through a collaborative effort with my buddy nurse and instructor, I was able to clarify that my assertiveness, not my assessment skill level or knowledge base was not the reason rather my inability to effectively communicate when put under pressure, which in turn led to a lack of confidence in my skill and knowledge. Action Plan I recognize that assertiveness is an important aspect of nursing practice and has a huge impact on ensuring the well-being of the patient is maintained. It is evident that my lack of confidence in my own ability when pressured by Lisa contributed to my feelings of being bullied and incompetentence. I have learned to be more assertive after that incident by implementing critical thinking and effective communication. That experience has made me more assertive when interacting with staff, patients, and families in this current rotation in Nurs 277. References Fulton, Y., 1997. Nurses’ views on empowerment: a critical social theory perspective. Journal of Advanced Nursing 26 (3), 529–536. Gibbs, G. (1988) Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford Further Education Unit, Oxford. Mitchell, G. J. (2001). Struggling in change: From the traditional approach to Parse’s theory- based practice. Nursing Science Quarterly, 3 (4), 110-116. Valentine, P.E., 1995. Management of conflict: do nurses/women handle it differently? Journal of Advanced Nursing 22 (1), 142–149.