Saturday, October 19, 2019

Reasons For Global Warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Reasons For Global Warming - Essay Example Moreover, this group of thinkers believes that the warming trend is not unusual and is a normal cycle of weather changes which occur naturally. Their claim about the Earth’s climate is clear. They believe that the Earth's climate is not affected by humans' actions, prevention and suspension of any act. It is free of our activities and temperature swings occur naturally. A study in this regard reveals that the Earth has a planetary ‘iris', which consists of tropical cloud cover. This cloud cover spreads out and contracts to control the quantity of heat exhibited from the surface of the Earth. On the contrary, however, it is said by the supporters of global warming that medieval warm period was not researched properly and the research contains flaws. They also argue that there is no validity of the claims that the recent extreme conditions, including heat waves, intense precipitation, massive forest fires and worldwide coral bleaching, in the Earth's environment are the re sult of changing the climate. These are invalid, unrealistic and self-created myths which are not validly proven so far. In addition, they argue that the CO2 emitted by the activities of humans is not comparable to the natural resources that are available to eliminate the threat of the 'non-existing' global warming. The natural resources that the Earth acquires are greater than the Carbon Dioxide emitted hence, none of the human activities can be held liable for the massive increase in CO2 over the course of last few centuries. The cause of the warming temperature has been disclosed by this group as a natural phenomenon. The debate over the solar variability, cosmic rays, recovery from the ice age and so on (Leroux 2006). This group also denies the claim that the warming is caused by greenhouse gases. The fact that they present in this regard is that warming does not follow the trend of greenhouse gases concentration. This group also asserts that the increased warming detected aroun d the world for the past century is the effect of increased urbanization. This

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